March 4, 2025
This resource presents valuable insights from interviews and focus groups conducted by Capitol Impact between May and October 2025 with a wide range of stakeholders, including students, families, educators, and employers. It highlights key challenges in dual enrollment, including inequities in access for underserved students, isolation in online courses, and logistical barriers like transportation and inconsistent resources. Administrative barriers, such as misaligned policies and systems, also disrupt program success. To address these issues, the report recommends strengthening K-12 and community college partnerships, offering family-centered orientations, integrating career pathways, and addressing equity gaps for priority student groups.
May 9, 2024
Sharing Best Practices to Inform Action Plans
March 1, 2024
The aim of the analysis is to provide decision-makers in the Dual Enrollment Workgroup of the Sacramento K-16 Collaborative with a deeper insight into what dual enrollment options and pathways exist within the Collaborative, and what supports may be needed to strengthen offerings for learners and their families.
Capitol Impact serves as the Collaborative’s hub and backbone organization, as well as providing strategic counsel and facilitation. The Los Rios Community College District is the lead grant applicant and fiscal agent. Third Plateau supports the Collaborative with strategic counsel and facilitation.
Project Attain serves as the Collaborative’s hub and backbone organization. The Los Rios Community College District is the lead grant applicant and fiscal agent. Capitol Impact and Third Plateau support the Collaborative with project management and facilitation services.