To achieve its goals, the Collaborative has six workgroups comprised of expert practitioners from K-12 education, higher education, and industry. Workgroups meet monthly to strategize and operationalize the Collaborative’s goals.
Share data across regional education providers more effectively.
Conduct research to more deeply understand the current data sharing landscape, including existing examples to learn from, opportunities to benefit students, and privacy risks.
Use research findings and conversations with institutional partners to answer key structural questions related to data ownership, system design, and data points to share.
Prototype data sharing agreements and gather a list of data points to assess feasibility and collect feedback from institutional partners.
Design framework for a regional data-sharing system and secure agreements for participation.
Utility District
Sierra College
Western Placer Unified School District
El Dorado Union High School District
Lake Tahoe Community College District
1300 Campaign
Kaiser Permanente
UC Davis
Sacramento County Office of Education
Dignity Health
Yuba Community College District
Sacramento State University
Woodland Joint Unified School District
Yuba County Office of Education
Los Rios Community College District
Valley Vision & Sacramento Regional CERF Collaborative
Project Attain
Placer County Office of Education
Expand dual enrollment opportunities for students across the region’s education ecosystem.
Director of Dual Enrollment, Los Rios Community College District
Conduct research to more deeply understand the current regional dual enrollment landscape, including what is being offered, who is participating, what obstacles prevent students from accessing and succeeding in dual enrollment classes, and what best practices exist to support students in dual enrollment.
Develop and distribute a toolkit that draws on existing resources and shares best practices for K-12, community college, and university faculty and staff to support students in dual enrollment courses.
Draw on existing resources and practices to share suggested practices, structures, and materials and foster effective collaboration between K-12, community college, and university staff.
Utility District
Sierra College
Western Placer Unified School District
El Dorado Union High School District
Lake Tahoe Community College District
1300 Campaign
Kaiser Permanente
UC Davis
Sacramento County Office of Education
Dignity Health
Yuba Community College District
Sacramento State University
Woodland Joint Unified School District
Yuba County Office of Education
Los Rios Community College District
Valley Vision & Sacramento Regional CERF Collaborative
Project Attain
Placer County Office of Education
Support high priority student populations (students of color, low-income, first-generation, rural, and adult learners) across the region’s education ecosystem.
Chief Strategy Officer, Vice Chancellor’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, University of California, Davis
Director of Equity and Student Achievement, San Juan Unified School District
Conduct research to more deeply understand the current supports offered to, challenges facing students in, and promising practices to support priority student populations.
Support the 1300 Campaign in developing and deploying a racial equity assessment tool, and support partner institutions in its adoption.
Cultivate an ecosystem that integrates high school and adult students into college and university pathways.
Support other K-16 Collaborative work groups in centering the needs of priority student populations using data-informed strategies.
Identify where assistance is most needed and support regional colleges and universities in their efforts to achieve HSI status.
Conduct research to more deeply understand the current supports offered to, challenges facing students in, and promising practices to support priority student populations.
Support the 1300 Campaign in developing and deploying a racial equity assessment tool, and support partner institutions in its adoption.
Cultivate an ecosystem that integrates high school and adult students into college and university pathways.
Support other K-16 Collaborative work groups in centering the needs of priority student populations using data-informed strategies.
Identify where assistance is most needed and support regional colleges and universities in their efforts to achieve HSI status.
Utility District
Sierra College
Western Placer Unified School District
El Dorado Union High School District
Lake Tahoe Community College District
1300 Campaign
Kaiser Permanente
UC Davis
Sacramento County Office of Education
Dignity Health
Yuba Community College District
Sacramento State University
Woodland Joint Unified School District
Yuba County Office of Education
Los Rios Community College District
Valley Vision & Sacramento Regional CERF Collaborative
Project Attain
Placer County Office of Education
Expand transfer pathways to create more seamless transitions for students between institutions.
Chief of Staff for Strategic Initiatives, Lake Tahoe Community College
Director of College and Career Connections, Elk Grove Unified School District
Associate Vice President/Chief of Strategic Partnerships
California State University, Sacramento
Conduct research to better understand the current transfer pathways landscape, what is being offered, who is participating, and what obstacles prevent students from accessing and succeeding in transferring.
Coordinate activities and communications across institutions to foster a clear and consistent experience for students to learn about and pursue transfer between institutions.
Develop data-informed, tailored communications to increase student and staff understanding of transfer requirements and their ability to navigate the transfer process.
Utility District
Sierra College
Western Placer Unified School District
El Dorado Union High School District
Lake Tahoe Community College District
1300 Campaign
Kaiser Permanente
UC Davis
Sacramento County Office of Education
Dignity Health
Yuba Community College District
Sacramento State University
Woodland Joint Unified School District
Yuba County Office of Education
Los Rios Community College District
Valley Vision & Sacramento Regional CERF Collaborative
Project Attain
Placer County Office of Education
Expand education pathways into engineering and computing.
Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science, California State University, Sacramento
Management Consultant Public Services, West, Accenture
Conduct research to better understand the current engineering and computing pathways landscape, what is being offered, who is participating, and what obstacles prevent students from accessing and succeeding in engineering and computing pathways.
Increase awareness of existing pathways.
Increase access to available supports for students currently in pathways, including balancing academic and work/financial needs.
Scope opportunities to efficiently develop (at least) one additional engineering/computing pathway with a focus on connecting existing courses.
Deepen employer engagement by creating a cohesive roster of employer partners and identifying opportunities for employers to engage with students in pathways.
Increase understanding among students of potential career paths through educational and employment opportunities within pathways, particularly by connecting students with work-based learning opportunities.
Conduct research to better understand the current engineering and computing pathways landscape, what is being offered, who is participating, and what obstacles prevent students from accessing and succeeding in engineering and computing pathways.
Increase awareness of existing pathways.
Increase access to available supports for students currently in pathways, including balancing academic and work/financial needs.
Scope opportunities to efficiently develop (at least) one additional engineering/computing pathway with a focus on connecting existing courses.
Deepen employer engagement by creating a cohesive roster of employer partners and identifying opportunities for employers to engage with students in pathways.
Increase understanding among students of potential career paths through educational and employment opportunities within pathways, particularly by connecting students with work-based learning opportunities.
Utility District
Sierra College
Western Placer Unified School District
El Dorado Union High School District
Lake Tahoe Community College District
1300 Campaign
Kaiser Permanente
UC Davis
Sacramento County Office of Education
Dignity Health
Yuba Community College District
Sacramento State University
Woodland Joint Unified School District
Yuba County Office of Education
Los Rios Community College District
Valley Vision & Sacramento Regional CERF Collaborative
Project Attain
Placer County Office of Education
Expand education pathways into healthcare.
Senior Advisor to the Provost for STEM Strategy, University of California, Davis
Program Director/Faculty/Department Chair, Allied Health, Sierra College
Conduct research to better understand the current healthcare pathway landscape, including what is being offered, who is participating, and what obstacles prevent students from accessing and succeeding in healthcare pathways.
Expose students to opportunities within healthcare fields including career options, existing pathways, work-based learning opportunities, and existing supports.
Foster diverse representation from the healthcare field through guest speakers and presenters in high schools and community colleges.
Codify and expand best practices to ensure warm handoffs between institutions and programs, as well as support for students during their offramp from healthcare pathways.
Utility District
Sierra College
Western Placer Unified School District
El Dorado Union High School District
Lake Tahoe Community College District
1300 Campaign
Kaiser Permanente
UC Davis
Sacramento County Office of Education
Dignity Health
Yuba Community College District
Sacramento State University
Woodland Joint Unified School District
Yuba County Office of Education
Los Rios Community College District
Valley Vision & Sacramento Regional CERF Collaborative
Project Attain
Placer County Office of Education
Capitol Impact serves as the Collaborative’s hub and backbone organization, as well as providing strategic counsel and facilitation. The Los Rios Community College District is the lead grant applicant and fiscal agent. Third Plateau supports the Collaborative with strategic counsel and facilitation.
Project Attain serves as the Collaborative’s hub and backbone organization. The Los Rios Community College District is the lead grant applicant and fiscal agent. Capitol Impact and Third Plateau support the Collaborative with project management and facilitation services.